Once upon a time not too long ago in the past recruitment representatives depended on one-dimensional, text-based resumes and CVs to begin refining their applicant pool. As innovation has advanced, so too have the employment methods, helping hiring representatives make progressively authentic connections with job applicants and prospective candidates and increasingly educated choices—even sitting at a distance. Especially with a pandemic disrupting all the lives around the world now is the best time to rely on technology to help you in your business functions.
Video interviewing has altered customary and traditional recruitment norms, helping recruitment managers to better comprehend prospective job candidates everywhere throughout the world while saving time and money at the same time. Meetings and interviewing can be a basic defining moment in any enlistment procedure. It is the moment where the recruiter and the employing department get the chance to dig into an applicants’ qualifications, growth potential, abilities, and experience, eye to eye. In any case, in the modern world of cut-throat, it is not always possible for an intimate and up close, and personal component isn’t generally always conceivable. Cue video interviewing.
Regardless of the usefulness and convenience of video interviewing, not every person is a fan. We all know the detestations of a laggy network, video that gets dropped out of the blue, or sound that breaks in and out. Sitting in an unfilled room, conversing with your screen, would already be able to feel constrained and awkward without the specialized technical difficulties.
Recruiters frequently endeavor to make applicants as agreeable as conceivable in a meeting. Along these lines, you can truly become acquainted with them. However, it’s hard to offer a competitor some espresso or tea when they’re sitting at their PC in another city or nation.
In straightforward terms, to characterize Video interviewing we can say that video interviewing is a job interview that is directed remotely and utilizes technology as its essential vehicle of correspondence. Video Interviewing or Video Recruiting or Digital Interviews is a quickly developing field in the scene of enlistment today.
1. Asynchronous or Recorded Interviews
This is a simple method to screen a high volume of candidates. The recruiter characterizes a lot of detailed questions on an online recruitment software and welcomes a list of contenders to answer these questions.
The inquiries are intended to inspire reactions from the candidates that will help the recruiter get an all-encompassing point of view of the applicant, their aptitudes, experience, soft skills, culture fit, and so on.
Such an application is normally on any cloud-based online platform, such as Gmail, Evalground, where the recruiter can sign in to create an interview utilizing a couple of video or content inquiries. They would then be able to send emails invitations to the candidates to go and attend the interview.
By clicking on the link provided in the email invitation, applicants go to the questions individually. The application records the video response of the candidate through a webcam and a microphone.
So what really happens after that?
The recruitment representative assesses the recorded answers once the candidate submits them.
Generally, an in-person interview meeting is 45 minutes in length approximately. A board can assess up to 10-15 candidates simultaneously with this process! Since responding to the applications and investigating the candidate responses can occur at different times, this type of interviewing method is known as a nonconcurrent or asynchronous meeting. It is also called automated video interviewing.
2. Live Interviews
Live Interviewing is another hiring method in recruitment using the latest technology. Rather than meeting the applicant face to face, the employer or the recruiter directs an online video meeting where they take part in a free-streaming conversation online.
You may ask yourself – isn’t this exactly like some other video conferencing tool?
Truly, it is like any other video conferencing through software like Skype, however, numerous video interviewing tools with tools that give live interviews offer some extra functionalities that help smooth out the enrollment process.
These incorporate, however, are not constrained to, interview scheduling abilities, a whiteboard for composing/drawing, interview with recording, implanted assessment structures, and integration with leading ATSs.
3. Video Resumes
Video resumes are another screening methodology where the business requests that an applicant present a video presentation or a video resume. The employer may give rules on what to discuss and to what extent the length of the video ought to be.
In any case, why would I like to tune in to well-practiced answers?
This strategy is regularly utilized for jobs where measuring an applicant’s communication skills and soft skills and non-verbal communication is critical to hospitality or acting.
Pros and cons of video interviewing
The method of video interviewing is definitely not for everyone, however, they are also not meant for every situation. Video Interviewing has their own ups and downs, which are good to be accustomed to before you go ahead and set your heart on one.
Pros of video interviewing
Convenient: In an undeniably global workforce, numerous recruiters will in the long run divert to source candidates from outside of their city, if not nation. Online video meetings can help encourage and facilitate outstation candidates and the interview procedure.
Accelerates your opportunity to recruit: With interviews progressively becoming more accessible, utilizing online video interviewing with innovation will unavoidably accelerate your chance to enlist. Not any more relying on the notion that applicants will be available somewhat in the future to come into the workplace. With video, they can block out just the calendar for the meeting, instead of figuring in travel time.
Opens up talent markets: If you execute a video interviewing strategy, you may likewise open up talent markets that were already blocked off due to inaccessibility. Very often recruitment teams can’t consider outstation candidates as they can’t focus on bringing them over without appropriately becoming acquainted with their aptitudes and experience. Video interviews, when efficient, can assist you with becoming acquainted with far-away candidates with little commitment.
Cons of video interviewing
Low Liability: Because applicants don’t encounter the responsibility of booking an in-person interview, they may end up dropping at the last minute. This can be especially problematic with passive candidates.
Technical troubles: Everyone has experienced a glitchy online video conversation or calls at one point or the other. Online video interviews are no exemption.
Additional preparation: In addition to the ordinary general arrangement you ought to embrace for an in-person interview, you’ll likewise need to watch that everything is working beforehand itself. On the off chance that there are troubles with the video or sound, it could mean additional time sunk into prep.
When you’ve gotten the hang of video interviewing, they can very easily become a useful asset in your recruiting tool kit. So incredible it is, truth be told, that you might have the option to settle on recruiting choices and offers having never met an applicant face to face. Sounds insane, however, there are numerous scouts out there making it work for their groups. Video interviewing may take some getting used to, however careful discipline brings about promising results. As the talent deficiency heightens in certain key areas in the talent market, online assessments, and video interviews will turn into an inexorably significant instrument. Pick a video interviewing tool that is solid, reliable, and supports associations instead of stress, ideally one that works inside or related to your ATS. With some accepted procedures, counsel, and the correct apparatus, you’ll be well en route to acing the craft of the video interviewing!
This content was brought to you by Evalground Online Testing Platform. Evalground is an online assessment and test evaluation system focused on helping Recruiters in the initial screening of potential candidates from an ocean of job seekers in an automated way.Evalground supports Online Aptitude Tests, Spoken English Communication Skills Assessments, Coding Contests in JAVA, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript and PHP. Evalground also supports Automated asynchronous interviews. Evalground Screening Tests can be used by Recruiters during campus hiring or to screen walk-in candidates.