Psychometric tests have become a standardized and scientific method which has been embraced by recruiters to measure an individual’s mental and emotional capabilities and behavioral style as well. These tests are designed to quantify a candidate’s suitability based on the specific role required focusing on the personality characteristics and emotional stability of the candidate.
Psychometric tests are a standard and logical technique used to gauge people’s psychological abilities and behavioral style. Psychometric tests are intended to understand and measure competitors’ reasonableness for a role keeping in mind the requirements of the role and identity attributes and fitness (or psychological capacities). Psychometric tests can be utilized as a major aspect of the enrollment and choice process by bosses to evaluate your capacity in particular aptitudes (eg, verbal, numerical and diagrammatic thinking) or to get some answers concerning your own characteristics by utilizing identity polls.
Around 18% of organizations as of now utilize identity tests in the enlisting procedure, as per a study directed by the Society for Human Resource Management. This number is developing at a rate of 10-15% a year as indicated by numerous mechanical and hierarchical analysts, and also the Association for Test Publishers.
At the point when utilized effectively, intellectual and identity tests can expand the odds that new workers will succeed. Since the cost of an awful contract is generally assessed to be no less than one year’s compensation, there are immense motivations for associations to get procuring right. Lamentably, an excessive number of associations utilize the wrong psychometric evaluations in the wrong way. This is what associations need to know keeping in mind the end goal to limit potential dangers and boost the prescient precision of these tests.
As psychometric tests give an inside look into the candidate’s personality, preferences, and abilities they are one the best sources to hire personnel who will match your company culture to the best. As one of the selection tools used by the recruiters, these tests can be applied right away at the early stages of recruitment to screen candidates who are unlikely to fit the job. The various types of psychometric tests available are:
Aptitude Tests:
Aptitude tests also known as ability tests measure a candidate’s ability to grasp knowledge and information and the time taken to process the same. The main goal of aptitude tests is understanding the cognitive abilities of the assessee. They essentially evaluate a prospective candidate on their:
- Numeric reasoning,
- Verbal reasoning,
- Abstract reasoning, and
- General aptitude test which comprehensively tests a candidate based on their verbal, logical and numerical abilities all at once.
Achievement Tests:
This test tries to measure a candidate’s’ level of knowledge based on their formal education, training, and instructions. A given population is selected and the candidate’s grasp on that specific knowledge background is tested and measured as per the industry standards.
These following subcategories of achievement tests are used in various HR scenarios:
- Survey Battery: This is a junior level test that helps the recruiter in evaluating the candidate’s basic knowledge and to evaluate those enrolled in beginners’ courses.
- Single Survey Achievement Test: This test specifically focuses on a single area of expertise.
- Diagnostic Achievement Test: This test helps you in assessing an individual’s achievements right from the beginner level to subject level expertise.
Attitude Tests:
Before we try and define attitude tests we need to understand what do we specifically mean by attitude. Attitude of a person reflects their thought and understanding and empathy levels towards others. Attitude refers to the way a person reacts to a situation and tries to reach a conclusion. Attitude varies from person to person, two people cannot be similar. However, when you are hiring someone you try to think whether they will fit into the organizational culture that you have going on in your organization.
Attitude test gives the recruiter a peek into the thoughts of the prospective candidates and the way they approach a situation or a person.
Benefits Of Including Psychometric Tests In Your Recruitment Cycle:
Accurate, actionable and measurable results:
They say that “What can’t be measured, can’t be managed”.
Psychometric tests offer a detailed analysis supported with graphs, that will help to quantify intangible human behavior. Reports that have taken organizational psychologists over five decades of research, creating and rigorously testing are available for recruiters in a matter of minutes. Our results are robust enough to predict when and why a said candidate will be successful or not in a given job.
Source, identify and hire the top performers:
In your team, you need people who are efficient, logical and productive. To cut in down, you need someone to will learn fast, reason in an effective manner with a problem-solving attitude. Psychometric assessments have the benefit of assessing the cognitive ability of a candidate while assessing their verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning at the same time.
Enhance work culture and engagement
Psychometric tests help you in assessing a candidate’s personality, behavior, values as well as work preferences. This way you can ensure that the new member of your team shares your values and similar work culture.
Enhance the level of teamwork and collaboration among members
It will help you get insights into the assessee’s behavioral style and how they will fit in with the rest of the team. Understanding the emotional intelligence of the people you work with will help you identify people with similar core personality traits which influence their behavior and interactions.
Nurture your company’s future leaders
A right leader can make or break your company’s future. Identify and understand the potential future leaders who have the aptitude and emotional intelligence to think strategically as well as motivate and inspire their teams to work better.
Top Reasons Leading HR Artisans Rely On Psychometric Tests In Recruitment
Testing beats gut feel
Use fair and standardized tests, rather than subjective selection through unreliable methods.
The results are measurable
Predicting how a person is going to behave, or react, or perform is no easy task. Quantifying the results of HR initiatives demonstrates that HR is a critical business function.
You don’t need a degree in psychology
Gone are the days of complex reports where a psychologist was needed to interpret esoteric psychometric test results. Beautifully designed, data-rich and easy to read reports can now be instantly accessed online.
It presents a positive company brand
Using psychometric tests can create a powerful first impression. It sends a clear message that the company invests the effort to get the right people into the right job through the right process. Filtering personalities will help protect company culture.
It helps shape your HR strategy
It can cost over 200% of the candidate’s salary to replace a skilled position. Meta-analytical studies have shown that our a can improve recruitment outcomes by up to 24%.