
Top Recruitment Trends of 2021

Recruitment Made Easy

Recruitment Trends Of 2021

This past year 2020 has been nothing short of a story out of a fictional book, beyond anything anyone had expected ever in their wildest dreams! The covid pandemic has totally disrupted our lives across the globe both personally as well as professionally. While the world waits with bated breath for a vaccine and medicine and healthcare remains the prime focus for everyone, after the initial slow down finally it seems like the business world has finally picked up it’s momentum. Thanks to the pandemic, recruitment today looks radically different than it did just a mere year ago. Accelerated by COVID-19 and the development of racial justice and equity, changes that were expected to take years are occurring rather in months. Basically virtually recruiting remote workers  is the new norm for some. Internal versatility and upskilling programs are being worked out, many for the first time ever in history. Diversity is at last being treated with the urgency and responsibility it generally always deserved. 

Businesses are currently getting in the terms to accepting the ‘New Normal’. As indicated by a study done by a very popular organization, it is normal that over half of businesses expect hiring to return to it’s normal dynamic self after January 2021. With the reforms and changes by the Government of India, the IT/ITeS/BPO industry currently has the influence to permit its employees to ‘work from home’ or ‘work from anywhere’. Companies are empowering new employees to work distantly by transporting assets and utilizing technology empowered collaboration and productivity instruments and tools. – The working environments are going remote.

Few of the top anticipated recruitment trends are:

i. Reliance on HR automation

Around 72% of employers already predict that near to all elements of their talent acquisition strategies will be automated within the next decade. Fusing HR automation allows organizations to reduce up to 17% in recruitment costs and 26% of HR staff hours.

This trend has innovative recruitment automation solutions at its very core. In fact, these digital recruitment trends and other automation have been around in the industry for a while. However, as it is with technology things keep innovating and new classes of such HR automation tools overshadow those softwares of earlier generations.

Many vendors are now available who offer integrated HR recruitment platforms which include  recruitment marketing tools, HRIS, and the best applicant tracking software all in one platform.

How does automation help in recruitment?

HR automation tools are increasingly employed by recruiters in their tasks. These integrated technology solutions help in seeking out, attracting, engaging, nurture, and convert candidates to become successful applicants. By automating the hiring process, these tools help in streamlining recruitment, making it more efficient and faster.

ii. Data-driven recruiting and HR Analytics

Data driven recruitment is the gathering, analysis and interpretation of data of talent pool to find the best talent for your organization faster. Data-driven recruitment is the situation when you use tangible data and facts and hardcore statistics to help make your recruitment decisions, from selecting the candidates to creating a solid hiring plan. Hiring teams that utilize data and statistics are more likely to be efficient, effective, reduce hiring costs and improve the quality of hiring. In simpler words, the approach of data-driven recruitment is the activity of using facts and data to optimize the entire recruitment process.

How effective is people analytics-based recruitment?

Data driven recruitment process ensures that your entire hiring process is streamlined and structured making the process easier. This will help you in ensuring that you land the right candidate within your delegated time frame and do not waste valuable time and effort in going through endless resumes and interviews. Read more about the benefits of data driven recruitment in the following detailed article: Click here.

iii. Organisations are hiring for soft skills

The US is experiencing a widespread skills deficit, which is predicted to extend to a shortage of 29 million skills by 2030. Most of those missing skills are going to be soft skills. Thus, the continued recruiting trend for soft skills across all industries.

From today and therefore the near future, around 66% of all new jobs will mainly believe soft skills. a number of such top soft skills are collaboration, problem-solving, and communication.

This is why recruiters are increasingly specializing in hiring for soft skills. Many repetitive jobs are going to be automated soon. But those with the essential soft skills are ensured that their positions won’t get replaced.

How crucial is hiring for soft skills?

Around ten years from now, the demand for social skills in the workplace  will increase across industries. In the U.S., such demand will grow by 26%; in Europe, the expansion is going to be by 22%.

This demand for important soft skills didn’t emerge during a vacuum. It really is a component of the burgeoning skills shortage.

In the early 2010s, a standard employee tends to lack 1.2 of the essential skills that employers require for a specific position. Today, that number had risen to 18 essential job skills. This translates to 23 million skills shortages.

Recruiters had long been hiring for soft skills. What has changed is that hiring for these skills now involves a group of converging factors within the workplace. And these converging hiring trends are expected to hasten further.

iv. Reliance on social recruiting grows

One of the foremost and popular recruitment trends today is social recruiting. This HR strategy pertains to the varied ways of using social networks for locating, attracting, and hiring talents.

Early on, who would have thought social media will become a strong hiring channel? Apart from the extensive and straightforward access, social media-based recruiting offers the chance for one-on-one engagement. This approach makes candidates feel they’re valued and cared for.

With the vast advantages it offers, social recruiting has become one among the highest 2019 recruitment trends. and searching at today’s social media statistics, this trend is probably going to continue within the years to return .

Is social recruiting effective?

Compared to the traditional method of recruiting, social media recruitment is quite cost-effective.

Advertising a position through other media channels such as newspapers, television, or magazines can be expensive while creating a social media account is completely free! The only resource used is the time taken to create and share a post among followers and friends. That being said, there are many tools that companies can pay for to help them analyze social footprints and help them reach more social media users such as Belong and Entelo.

The role of social networks in the business world is only rising. It is better to gain a competitive edge over other companies and take advantage of the simplicity and convenience of social media recruiting.

This content was brought to you by Evalground Online Testing PlatformEvalground is an online assessment and test evaluation system focused on helping Recruiters in initial screening of potential candidates from an ocean of job seekers in an automated way.Evalground supports Online Aptitude Tests, Spoken English Communication Skills AssessmentsCoding Contests in JAVA, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript and PHP.  Evalground also supports Automated asynchronous interviews. Evalground Screening Tests can be used by Recruiters during campus hiring or to screen walkin candidates.

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