
Remember the old adage "garbage in, garbage out" – you need to be able to measure what actually does and doesn’t work in any business initiative.

Quality data is essential to shaping a truly effective HR strategy. HR relies on a number of different inputs to make decisions with company-wide effects. Recruitment is a mission centric process, it requires real time effort, resources and focus. Then throw in some human touch and old-fashioned gut feel for good measure. But the good news is that every company can now access tools that agencies once used to justify fees in the tens of thousands of dollars.

The internet now has brought to you online assessment tools, which makes it possible for any company to recruit like a Google (or any recruitment agency) as long as you’re willing to dedicate the effort into doing it properly.

However, I should inform you an unfortunate truth: none of these tools is a magic wand.

When linked to individual job performance data, online assessment test results can produce lead indicators to help organizations with selection, talent management, assessing workforce capability, employee engagement, understanding organizational culture and succession planning with a high degree of confidence.

In the wake of everything said and done, at the end of the day, every candidate differ from each other and every day you will encounter new people and problems, but hey, isn't that the adventure which keeps the work from being mundane?!

So let’s keep in mind, we only move ahead when we think we are yet to be the masters and are only the student. Keep moving forward and Happy Recruiting.!

The Bottom Line
Online assessments today are an essential part of the best practices in modern recruitment. It is highly recommended that organizations that are even remotely serious about attracting and retaining the best talent should make use of these readily available tools instead of relying on the more error-prone, subjective selection methods.