
Do Psychometric Assessments Really Lead To Good Hires?

Recruitment Made Easy

Do Psychometric Assessments Really Lead To Good Hires

Psychometric assessments is used to measure aptitude, intelligence and personality of a candidate for many years. But recently it has taken a steep increase in their usage in the employment industry, as many companies nowadays have started using them to help in better recruiting practices. Psychometric tests include personality profiles, motivation questionnaires,  reasoning tests and ability assessments mostly, used to assess the quality of potential employees.

Mostly,  psychometric tests are designed to reveal behavioral traits and personality which does not easily can checked during the interview process. The other type of psychometric assessments comes in the form of an aptitude or ability assessment. All these tests can provide objective data for subjective measurements so that you can make an impartial judgment.

So, do psychometric assessments can provide a potential talent?

Well, a kind of.


Let’s see!

Here are the top 5 reasons why recruiters rely on psychometric tests results for enhancing their recruitment practices.

1. Psychometric Assessments Beats Human Instinct

Human instinct is much better for taking any hiring decisions but for sake of the cost of a bad hire, these teats can give you better results. Psychometric assessments increase standardization of the recruitment process by removing the senseless and biases decisions.

2. Results Are Measurable

With Psychometric assessments, a recruiter can easily quantify and analyse their data which seems to be a difficult task. Correlating the data with recruiting decisions, you can acquire p\measurable profits though.

3. You Don’t Need A Psychology Degree

You do not need a psychology degree to understand these tests results. Psychometric assessments providers nowadays are providing such features. For example, Evalground, Mettl, HackerRank etc. provides a recruiter an easy to read reports that can now be instantly accessed online. Simplified real world language and graphics based results that tells exactly what you need to know about the candidate. Delivering a well designed psychometric test report to a recruiter is now an empowering moment that helps them to make confident hiring decisions.

4. All It Can Create A Positive Company Brand

The use of standardized hiring processes can create a powerful first impression of any employer’s brand image. Applicants nowadays are attracted to modern recruitment as they seek for the objective approach to assessing their capability as a primal reason behind their satisfaction with the recruitment process. This is useful for those  individuals from different cultural because psychometric assessments provides a level playing the game where everyone’s merit is equally judged.

5. It Helps Shape Your Recruiting Strategy

Quality data is essential to shaping a truly effective recruiting strategy. Top hiring managers relies on a number of different inputs to make decisions with company broad effects. Psychometric assessments tools are another important objective data point that can help shape recruiting strategy. When linked to any individual’s job performance data, psychometric assessments results can produce lead indicators to help any company with selection, assessing workforce capability, employee engagement, understanding organizational culture and succession planning with a high degree of confidence.


Assessing right candidate is a highly complex and subjective process, and psychometric assessments are a good way of objectively assessing candidate’s “hidden” traits. Psychometric assessments can help any recruiter make informed in their major recruitment decisions. As we know that choosing the right candidate can be tricky and time consuming, psychometric assessments can simplify your options. It can help you by filtering most unsuitable applicants and so you are able to pick the candidates. That’s where a well-advised recruitment strategy is needed, when, combined with psychometric scores, recruiters are able to identify the best candidates easily.

This content was brought to you by Evalground Online Testing PlatformEvalground is an online assessment and test evaluation system focused on helping Recruiters in initial screening of potential candidates from an ocean of job seekers in an automated way.Evalground supports Online Aptitude Tests, Spoken English Communication Skills AssessmentsCoding Contests in JAVA, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript and PHP.  Evalground also supports Automated asynchronous interviews. Evalground Screening Tests can be used by Recruiters during campus hiring or to screen walkin candidates.

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