
Author: Pooja Premnath

Recruitment Made Easy


Corporate Personality Test- A Hiring Tool

Let’s see what is this buzz around corporate personality test, pre-employability and online assessment tools. Basically, “One never gets a second chance to make a first impression” -Sadly this encapsulates the very  state most of the hiring and interviews happen today. “Judgments made in the first 10 seconds of an interview could predict the outcome…
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Online assessment platform- Screening Made Easy

Welcome to the forefront of modern education and recruitment with our cutting-edge online assessment platform. Our platform revolutionizes the way learning and evaluation intersect in the digital age. Seamlessly integrating technology with pedagogy, we provide a dynamic environment for testing, learning, and growth. From academic institutions to corporate enterprises, our platform offers versatile solutions tailored…
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Technical Aptitude- Role Specific Assessments

Technical aptitude-  Role Specific Assessments Trying to hire tech talent with high technical aptitude skills is every recruiter’s every day rut. Now of course in most cases, candidates needs to have hands-on experience in one of the programming languages and even a basic understanding of the rest as concepts. What we need to pay attention…
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english online test

English online test- Hire Better

English online test – Let us now see how it can exponentially improve the quality of your hire Globalization is the very result of communication and communication that is good means saying just enough! If you actually saw it this way, the very core of a successful organization has to be a workforce running on…
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Big Data changing the recruitment game in 2019

The internet is an ocean of information and you can easily get drowned in it. Forget  analytics, if we were to simply apply  logic, consider the immense amount of information constantly proliferating online added to that the recruitment industry sieves through from various sources, like resumes, applications, reviews, feedbacks, etc, we can positively conclude that…
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Global Recruitment Industry Outlook for 2018

When we talk about recruitment and the year has gone by, we after several articles, white papers and webinars can say  2017 was absolutely the year of Artificial intelligence, automation of assessments and processes, extraction of bias and diversity at the workplace, and improvised candidate experiences. With the global economy on the growth and unemployment…
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How to optimize recruitment tools and services for maximum benefit

How to optimize recruitment tools and services for maximum benefit

Right from assessing to learning, and outsourcing to sourcing and testing retention, the types of technologies and tools out there that to aid recruiters and HRs are massive. SEO optimization is the trend right now A moment of yay for the fact that the modern savvy recruiter has a lot to choose from and can…
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What Tools To Use For Better Training And Development Of The Most Valuable Resource -The Human Resource.

What Tools To Use For Better Training And Development Of The Most Valuable Resource -The Human Resource.

Someone wise once said training is expensive. Without training, it is more expensive! So very simply put, what training does is help your employees do their current jobs well. What development does is, it helps employees handle their future responsibilities. Remember, training and development means you as a human resource executive has invested in bridging…
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Signs Of A Healthy LinkedIn Profile- The Anatomy Of A Well Branded Company Profile.

Signs Of A Healthy LinkedIn Profile- The Anatomy Of A Well Branded Company Profile.

In today’s time, there is simply  no more excuse for businesses to avoid LinkedIn in their recruiting efforts or in creating a presence online. Contrary to what most of us believe, making a killer LinkedIn page is not something that is unachieveable or hard either. Remember, the first step is understanding  that the purpose of…
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How To Search And Find The Right Candidates On LinkedIn

How To Search And Find The Right Candidates On LinkedIn

LinkedIn might have over 300 million members, all the more why finding the right candidate might feel like looking for the needle in a stack. But worry not. LinkedIn has an array of tools and tricks that could make the job easier, faster and more relevant. Good ol’ search: The effectiveness of a simple search…
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