Lets maybe start off by discussing how to know if your bulk hiring process might be a little wrong!
- Your bulk recruitment strategies start off with vague job descriptions.
- You always seem to be hiring under pressure or high client demands.
- Endless candidates to screen.
- Too many interviewers.
- Very less time to evaluate or screen the candidates.
- Being unprepared or under prepared, not always by choice.
- Your bulk recruitment strategies involve, pay up and wait.
- Or, post it and wait.
- Social media is really not your cuppa.
- Logistics is becoming an all-engulfing black hole in your bulk recruitment process.
- Perception-based hiring is a tough one to dodge.
- The panel lacks in the required technical knowledge.
- You wonder, “why is there not a better way for sourcing, assessing, onboarding that also suits me”.
Biggest mistake of them all.. You don’t utilize tools present today that can cut your hiring costs and time by over 60%.
Yup, you can now be assessing 1000’s of candidates and not be spending on precious man-hours in screening time, right from the comfort of your cabin.
So how to do bulk hiring better???
One of the greatest challenges any recruiter will face is having to hire a lot of employees in a very short amount of time.
Albeit it invariably means that, it’s a good sign for the company, as it indicates that the company is growing exponentially. But, it’s also a critical time for the company, as hiring that many people very high and fast can drastically affect the culture and overall average talent quality.
So how do you hire people in dozens, hundreds or even thousands in a short period of time, without sacrificing quality? It’s difficult, but not impossible.
Solution No 1:
This is where technology can be used in abundance to achieve what you truly desire i.e, online assessment platforms. Evalground is one such platform and it can be used for an array of scenarios ranging from campus recruitment, walk-ins, brand promotion, day-to-day recruitment plan to name a few.
Very briefly let us tell you how an online test platform work. They top the list in mass hiring strategies!
Step 1: Test Creation
The Recruiter creates an online test as per the hiring requirements or the recrutier can use the extensive library provided by us and then invites candidates to take up the test by sharing private/ public links.
Step 2: Test Conduction
Candidates log into the system by using the private/ public link shared with them and take the test in a strictly proctored online environment. You will get the advacned security of wecam monitoring, window proctoring, force full screen, etc. to ensure total prevention of any cheating practices.
Step 3: Reports
Once the tests are conducted, the recruiter gets a detailed report of evaluated results which will be showing the participants performances as per the various modules answered by them and the qualification metrics set up by the hiring manager. The recruiter can go through the entire report section wise and can compare among the candidates as well as share the reports with the other stakeholders involved in the recruitment process.
Step 4: Done!
Yup. That’s all. In your hand, you have a very easy to interpret report availbale in your palms anytime, anywhere.
You can also refer to this extensive guide to understand what and why online assessments, how to pick the right one, how to create tests, etc.
And if that is too much of an hassle, you could just dial up someone from Evalground and get in touch with us to show you how this works.
Well so online assessment platforms covers screening, assessing and testing your candidates on technical skills, soft skills and even psychometric assessments, well before you even call them over for a face to face interview.
Solution No 2:
Tracking and management is one of the main step in the bulk-hiring strategies these days.
Today, Science has come up with various tools available today like Google Calendar, Toggl, Interviewer assistant, etc and they are here to take your bulk hiring process up by a notch. A well- planned or well- structured process will save a lot of time and energy of both the candidates as well as the recruiters. But using technology and management also makes for a much more objective, reliable interviewing process, as opposed to everybody interviewing and assessing in their own way which may sometimes give rise to some biases as well. Also, if you see any problems emerge as you are hiring, it makes it easier to quickly adopt, since everyone is using the same playbook.
Is it not time you actually made use of the time tracking aids that make your scheduling, rescheduling organized. Is this not especially handy if you are handling great volumes and you have a gazillion things pulling your strings day in and out.
Solution No 3:
This era of bulk recruitment brings with it the nuances and benefits of automation. Among your bulk recruitment strategies Application Tracking Software is a MUST and a boon for the modern recruiter in you too actually step up. These tools provide a centralized applicant database helps in processing and collaboration thus reducing the administrative strain by a great degree.
If you are aggressively sourcing candidates or posting jobs, there is a very high chance that you might get an avalanche of applicants that can be burdensome to go each and every single one of them. To help you achieve that, there is technology out there that will scan through candidate’s profiles and help you identify the right person for the right job.
That should help you at least reduce the amount of applicants you are dealing with to a more reasonable, more viable amount.
Solution No 4:
What to do if you would want to dodge the bullet of getting lost in the clutter and make your presence actually felt, then you will have to step up your brand presence in the market.
Brand Promotion by definition measn the strategies undertaken to influence or convince a consumer to purchase any product or service. An organisation whose name is familiar to the candidate is always statistically proven to be the first or the candidate’s priority in choosing their workplace.
Is it not better if the candidates hear of you before they meet you. Employer brand presence is should be such that it attracts and engages, ultimately persuading your relevant talent pool to be a part of your organization.
Solution No 5:
What better way to show you care about your employees is when you have a great onboarding program in place. However planning, creating and executing could use an army and hence adapting to either one of these on-boarding tools won’t hurt. There are several products in the market today and look for ones that are scalable and fit into your product, requirement and industry.
In the culture of the industry and the power of the digital era, there will be a lot of products and services to aid you in your hiring, however too many cooks do spoil the broth! It is therefore important to optimize your hiring tools and services while coming up with bulk recruitment strategies to the best extent.