Being a recruiter online assessment is something that you must have heard a lot rotating in the industry for quite some time now. Understanding the meaning of online assessment has been deluding you maybe, thanks to the never-ending bits and pieces of floating information all over the internet. Online pre-assessment tests can be used to help recruiters identify candidates who will be the right fit for their organization. These talent assessments help predict a candidate’s on-the-job performance and even retainability to a great extent. With reports and data supporting all the results. Hence, in theory, we can safely say candidates who go through the screening test should perform better as employees if they’re hired. Understanding the meaning of the online assessment can help bring efficiency to your recruitment process.
94% of recruiters use online marketing channels for recruiting. Employers who used social media marketing for hire found a 49% improvement in candidate quality when compared to candidates sourced only through traditional recruiting channels.
This number has been on the increase for the last 6 years.
So going online can be considered an absolute treat for your hiring.
We are not threatening that hiring is impossible without online assessment tools or platforms, however, it has become an inevitable part of the recruitment process. Starting from online job portals and social media hiring to the ATS and pre-employability online assessments. These have become a part and parcel of your recruitment routine.
If online assessment still makes you ask: “Why” or ”What” even “How”, then we are here to throw you a life jacket and help you explain the online assessment and walk through the process of understanding the meaning of online assessments better one step at a time.
Meaning of Online Assessment:
Online assessment tests are conducted via computers under a remotely proctored environment and have the advantage of being authenticated by Subject matter experts (SMEs). Online assessments bring inefficiency of the whole procedure along with immediate feedback. Online examinations are slowly replacing the traditional examination approach. A major highlight of using an online examination system is that it gives a high level of transparency as opposed to the traditional method. Most online exams generate their results instantly and it is often possible for the exam taker to get information on his results immediately. However, one question always lingers back, is it really useful for recruitment? Now that we have an understanding about the meaning of online assessments, let us discuss how it can be used in recruitment.
Different types of Online Assessment used in Hiring:
1. Applicant tracking system (ATS)
ATS and online assessment tools are like long-lost brothers coming together to make each others’ lives better. Inbuilt ATS which comes along with most online assessment platforms nowadays is something that will make a recruiter’s life easy in terms of tracking and monitoring the endless number of applicants in a way that will help you take a breath of fresh air.
2. Bye-bye bad hire
It is common knowledge among recruiters that a bad egg ruins the lot. Online assessment test reduces the probability of hiring a candidate who does not match your specifications by more than 60%. Hence, No more long hours will be lost going through an endless number of candidates who might turn out to be a bad hire.
3. Legal risks of hiring
Online assessments are objective-oriented and are completely automated. Online assessment tools and tests remove the chances of the recruiter having any personal bias towards the candidate. This will ensure that you can think away about all the legal risks or future lawsuits that might come your way from some unsatisfied candidate.
4. Wider audience
One of the biggest strains that a recruiter has to go through is reaching out to the audience and pick out the ones he likes. But, the ocean of candidates is ever-growing and every day it is a struggle for recruiters to keep a tab of these endless applicants.
In this scenario, online assessment tools help in ensuring that you reach as many candidates as you can from the comfort of your cabin. About 3.2 billion people which constitute about 51% of the world population, have internet access. So if you are looking for millennials for your organization then what is better than catching them on the go on their phones or social media!
5. Comprehensive test analysis
What best than have measurable results.
Hiring managers need tremendous computing power based on data science and smart algorithms, all working together in a way to quickly make sense of data in form of results for them. In other words, a kind of measurable insights which are easy to implement. In terms of accessibility options, if you implementing online assessments tools into your hiring process, then you can do everything that we have mentioned above.
6. Instant detailed reports to find quality candidates
Being in this market at this point in time, as a recruiter, you should have a clear vision of what is needed for your organization. This vision can be streamlined into your day-to-day action items. And one of the major requirements is a quality candidate, cause no matter the size of your company, a bad hire can cost you hundreds and thousands of dollars. But how do you separate a good hire from a bad one? Online assessment tools come to the rescue here with automated and comprehensive reports of the candidates based on their performance in the test. These reports will be delivered straight to your desktop enabling a recruiter to analyze results with ease from their cabin. Also, they can increase the probability of hiring quality candidates and also help screen and select the best-suited candidates for the specific job profiles.
7. Eliminating human error
To err to human.
So what to do in a delicate situation where a hiring error can cost an organization hefty when it comes to time and money.
The Solution:
Simply Eliminating humans and bring in automated online pre-assessment tools. Pre-employment skill testing can help you in finding a proper job fit between the candidate and the job you are recruiting for. Online assessment tools can help you here by matching the right candidate to the right job leads to increased productivity and reduced total employee turnover. One of the features of these tools includes an automated grading process that ensures all the test scores are objective and free of any type of human error.
8. User training
Online hiring platforms have the provision of providing assistance or training to the user. Any new tool or software needs some time to get used to. The online assessment tools available in the market provide support to the user, not only in terms of customer, technical and operational but also help in training a new user to understand the nook and crannies of the tool to utilize it better.
9. Save big on time and money
An online assessment tool is not only cost-effective but also the simplest, valid, and reliable way to identify top talents. And if you are ready to invest a little bit of money on online assessment tools, you will actually be able to save even more money during the complete hiring process. It’s an exceptionally efficient method in which you can focus on such candidates who are worth moving forward into the next phase. Because no matter how many candidates you have to consider, they can be evaluated simultaneously in a matter of a few seconds. This approach is very easy and more cost-effective than any traditional methods.