
Tag: Talent Acquisition

Recruitment Made Easy


Technical Aptitude- Role Specific Assessments

Technical aptitude-  Role Specific Assessments Trying to hire tech talent with high technical aptitude skills is every recruiter’s every day rut. Now of course in most cases, candidates needs to have hands-on experience in one of the programming languages and even a basic understanding of the rest as concepts. What we need to pay attention…
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Java Online Test For Hiring The Most Talented Coder

Hiring programmers and developers based solely on their resumes is akin to asking a cricketer to draft an essay on their capabilities—an absurd notion indeed. When it comes to recruiting for technical roles, such as Java developers, relying solely on traditional methods is inadequate. Instead, recruiters must look beyond pen and paper to accurately assess…
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Effective English communication skills

Effective English communication skills for sales profile

Eloquent English communication skills have become one of the most sought-after qualities among employees nowadays. The language which has been predominant for centuries now has become a part and parcel of our everyday conversations.  The Council of Europe presented the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF or CEFR). CEFR was developed during the day…
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Recruitment Strategies To Watch Out For In 2024

Any organisation’s main asset is in their human resources. Recruiting is one of the pivotal corporate practices and more often than not it is highly overlooked. There are many recruitment strategies in the market which have been aided as ‘tried and tested ‘ methods and are still trending in the recruiting industry today. But, due…
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8 tips to help you master your mass hiring

Be in a small or a big scale organization, when it comes to hiring one of the greatest difficulties a recruiter will confront is hiring many individuals in a short measure of time. However, a mass hiring process need not mean that you have to compromise on the quality of hire. So what is mass…
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The Global Gig Economy: Transforming work culture

The sphere of work is evolving drastically, and the state of the workforce is changing with it. The times of ‘life-long’ careers within a single organization, the long-term security of a  contract, ensured pertinence of the skills gained in college, and unsurprising work schedules are like long-forgotten distant memory. Today, a CV without any updates…
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Trends shaping the picture of global hiring

The global recruitment industry has grown exponentially in the past few years giving a boom to the HR industry. In the recent years this space has gotten some relevant changes such as artificial intelligence (AI), mobile recruiting, social media hiring, online assessment portals, and the list goes on and on. Not only that, experts and…
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Recruiting Millennials : Pointers For Grabbing Them Young and How!

Millennials are the current generation of employees who are swathing the market. They are not only the majority of the current workforce, but they are also one of the most dynamic and connected employees. Millennial workers are like no other generation in the workforce. The 53.5 million 18 to 34-year-olds searching for jobs today are…
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Target Passive Candidates : By Humanizing Communication

  Swarms of candidates may fall in line for that job position that is now up for grabs. But you’re looking for someone different. Someone with the right amount of experience and who isn’t going to up and leave at the sight of better monetary gain.  While active job seekers are banging on the doors…
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Perks of Social Media Recruiting

Social media. What can we say about it that you don’t already know right? Updating status, uploading pictures and videos, Like, Comment, Share, etc. I am sure all these ran through your mind in a flash just as you read the words “Social Media”. But, how would you feel if we told you that social media is…
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