Social media. What can we say about it that you don’t already know right?
Updating status, uploading pictures and videos, Like, Comment, Share, etc.
I am sure all these ran through your mind in a flash just as you read the words “Social Media”.
But, how would you feel if we told you that social media is a dormant goldmine of candidates which is just sitting out there waiting for it to be tapped in. Don’t be too shocked yet, we are here to help you in understanding online recruitment better.
Many companies solely rely on job portals like Internshala and Monster to recruit new hires. With almost everyone on the planet using social networks to find and share information, it is important for recruiters not to overlook this hiring goldmine. Social media is something that is already out there and within our reach
Passive Candidates
Are you specifically searching for a job now?
Are you completely in love with the position you are in – growing both personally and professionally?
So if you saw a post about a current job opening on Facebook, would you click on it and see if it peaks your interest?
Very likely.
That is the magic of social media. Recruiters are able to reach candidates with the right qualifications who aren’t even looking. These people are known as passive candidates and employers recruiting through social media get passive candidates to consider applying for a job – especially if the pay and position is better!
The more time it takes to find and hire new employees, the more resources are used both in terms of money and manpower. It is better to be fast and efficient and posting job openings on various social media sites fills positions faster as more people are reached.
A Different Breed of Candidate
Recruitment through social media reaches a certain kind of people. Those who are tech-savvy, innovative, creative, and caught up on trends in many different fields. These are qualities that may not be listed in the job requirement but will help the company flourish.
Saving Bucks
Compared to the traditional method of recruiting, social media sourcing is quite cost-effective.
Advertising a position through other media channels such as newspapers, television, or magazines can be expensive while creating a social media account is completely free! The only resource used is the time taken to create and share a post among follower and friends. That being said, there are many tools that companies can pay for to help them analyze social footprints and help them reach more social media users such as Belong and Entelo.
The role of social networks in the business world is only rising. It is better to gain a competitive edge over other companies and take advantage of the simplicity and convenience of social media recruiting.