
Tag: Passive Candidates

Recruitment Made Easy


Hire A Coder – Incorporating Online Assessments

Hiring tech talent is strenuous. But should it be? Not one bit! It is well-known tech recruiters find filling tech roles challenging. You hire a coder you think will change the tech game in your company and it turns out he does not have any logical or practical experience of the needed technologies. We know there is…
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Online assessment platform- Screening Made Easy

Welcome to the forefront of modern education and recruitment with our cutting-edge online assessment platform. Our platform revolutionizes the way learning and evaluation intersect in the digital age. Seamlessly integrating technology with pedagogy, we provide a dynamic environment for testing, learning, and growth. From academic institutions to corporate enterprises, our platform offers versatile solutions tailored…
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Target Passive Candidates: Through Eye Catching Content

  Once upon a time, there was a company with a great work culture and Monday mornings became less gloomy. See, who doesn’t love a good story. Knowing this is half the problem solved. One of the biggest challenges recruiters face today is attracting candidates – passive candidates more so because they’re not even actually…
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Target Passive Candidates- Utilising Your Current Employees

  Passive candidates are the employees who are actively working and not necessarily looking for a job currently. However, these candidates are the best choices for job descriptions which require some specific skills set. So if you are looking for someone who ticks all the boxes you should consider attracting the attention of passive candidates.…
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Target Passive Candidates : By Humanizing Communication

  Swarms of candidates may fall in line for that job position that is now up for grabs. But you’re looking for someone different. Someone with the right amount of experience and who isn’t going to up and leave at the sight of better monetary gain.  While active job seekers are banging on the doors…
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Target Passive Candidates Make Data Your Friend

Target Passive Candidates : Make Data Your Friend!

Recruiting Passive Candidates Isn’t Passive! Approaching passive candidates can be difficult, but most Human Resource Managers usually relying on data and analytics to increase their productivity by tracking and analyzing candidate’s data. Tracking of data is a crucial step for any Human Resource Department because it can generate better results as per any recruiter need.…
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Target Passive Candidates : Using Social Media!

Employers need to realize they are in the face of an existential threat in terms of sourcing and hiring candidates who are active. When it is common to find active job seekers, however, it is often said that the best hires are those who aren’t looking for a job at all. These kind of candidates…
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Target Passive Candidates : SEO And Job Postings!

Passive candidates are those professionals who are already employed and they are not actively looking for a new job but they have the suitable qualifications and experiences. They are mostly satisfied with their existing profile but they are ready to make a career move for any new opportunity if that employer is better than the…
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Reasons Why Passive Candidates Are Popular Among Recruiters

We hear that the talk of the town is the elusive yet desirable passive candidate.  At any recruiters meet or on any recruiting blog, you will find that attracting passive employees is all the rage. And rightly so! The passive candidate is what a recruiter’s dream is made of. According to a blog post by…
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